Advanced Myofascial Release

What is fascia?

Fascia is our bodies tough connective tissue which envelops every structure of our bodies from muscles to bones and organs, even nerves have their own fascia! In a healthy body fascia can stretch and move easily, however certain factors can develop fascial restrictions which will reduce range of motion and increase pain.

Chronic pain, Injury, postural imbalances, emotional and physical trauma can all have a huge impact on fascial restrictions. As our fascia is one continuous structure through our bodies, any restriction in one area can then in turn affect the whole body.

How does Myofascial Release work?

There are different types of advanced myofascial techniques, often referred to as ‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’ that can be used to successfully treat pain, injuries, conditions such as fibromyagia and ME and emotional trauma. Little or no oil is used as the direct methods work with the fascia to move the tissue and align the body. Indirect release methods include 'listening to the body’ whereby I follow the fascia as it moves to areas of ease, effectively unwinding the tissue and freeing restrictions.

Structural bodywork and body reading can also be used to assess areas of fascial tension, enabling a more strategic approach to reducing a clients pain. Rolfing and structural integration techniques are used to manipulate the myofascial tissue, changing the body to optimal alignment and easing pain and trauma.

I integrate Myofascial Release techniques in all my bodywork treatments, including pregnancy and post natal, enabling more efficient results for pain release and wellbeing.


Benefits of Myofascial Release

  • Reduction of pain

  • Improves recovery

  • Increases flexibility & range of motion

  • Aligns Posture

  • Release emotional trauma (unwinding)

  • Improves appearance of scar tissue

  • Effective scar tissue release

  • Reduces stress and anxiety caused by fascial restrictions

Conditions & Symptoms

  • Chronic pain, neck and back pain

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Trauma from injuries

  • Whiplash

  • RSI/Carpel Tunnel syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs

  • Muscular tension

  • Scar tissue and other adhesions

  • Emotional Trauma

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome


Lisa is a qualified MFR therapist and studied at Jing Massage - certificate in Advanced Myofascial Release: Fascial Foundation, myofascial release in-direct techniques and Structural bodywork integration.
