Massage for wellbeing

β€œTo touch can be to give life.”


Over recent years there have been many studies documenting the wonderful emotional and physical health benefits that can come from touch. Its been proven that touch is truly fundamental to human communication, bonding, and health.

Im a huge advocate for the powerful impact massage can have on mental health. Touch has been shown to alleviate depression and anxiety, stimulating the part of the nervous system (the Vagus Nerve) that calms the breath, body and mind.

Regular massage can reduce pain, improve immune function, enhance awareness, decrease blood pressure and calm the heart rate. It can also speed recovery times after illness and surgery.

All ages including children can benefit from massage. I use a fusion of techniques such as Myofascial Release, which is great for emotional and physical trauma and holistic massage to create the perfect treatment tailored to you.


  • Alleviate depression and anxiety

  • Reduce muscular tension

  • Stimulates the nervous system

  • Enhances awareness

  • Improves immune function

  • Improves recovery time

  • Suitable for children and pregnancy

  • Unwinds fascia restrictions and trauma

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