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I feel really lucky to call myself a clinical massage therapist. Having changed my career over 14 years ago, my passion for helping others with their pain and wellbeing has only grown.

I have had many years experience working in different clinical settings, helping clients both sporting and non-sporting to aid with pain, injury and recovery. A strong advocate for mental health and with an understanding in how pain and and mental health are closely linked, I decided to train to become an advanced Myofascial Release and structural bodywork therapist, qualifying at the prestigious Jing training school. I can honestly say this was a real turning point for me and opened my eyes to how massage and working with the fascia can heal the body and mind. MFR approach is safe and gentle techniques are used to work with connective tissue restrictions to eliminate chronic pain, restore motion and balance wellbeing.

Having myself experienced a difficult few years with pregnancy and post natal conditions, I became fascinated with how myofascial release can help release trauma, both from a physical (scar tissue) and psychological position. Understanding the direct connection between chronic pain and mental health, I plan a course of care with overall wellbeing in mind.

I love living by the sea and a keen swimmer, there really is nothing I love more than getting in those waves! I loved working at the amazing SeaLanes pop up when it started over 3 years ago and now Iā€™m so excited to be back now that it has reopened, I look forward to seeing you there!